Sunday, 1 April 2012

Jolen- Unwanted Hair Bleach

I don’t think a lot of people know about the product Jolen, none of my friends knew about it until I told them about it so I’ll be reviewing Jolen today J

What is Jolen?
Jolen is a crème bleach that lightens excess dark hair. So it’s ideal for like unwanted facial hair and like arm hair or stomach hair....
I got Jolen from a drug store and you can find it at like any drug store for about $10- $15. The box contains a container that says “Creme Bleach~ Mild formula crème” which is well... the cream, a smaller container that says “Creme bleach accelerator” which is like this powder that’s supposed to make the process of bleaching ur hair go by faster, it also has instructions and a spatula and a little pallet-plate-thing  for you to mix this stuff on.
It definitely does bleach and lighten unwanted hair, and u can easily throw the 2 containers into ur purse and like go travelling with it or something.
It’s not ideal for extremely sensitive skin and it gives you like this... red rash afterwards.. but it does go away. It sorta stings but it’s not like super painful or anything... like you’ll live. You’ll have to bleach ur hair more than once ... I’d say like once every month.

Overall Review:
You have to, HAVE to test this product before using it on like ur face because it really is strong. What I did was I mixed a little bit and like applied it to a small area on my leg and let it stay there for like 20 minutes (it depends on how dark ur hair is) and I removed it and I didn’t touch the product again for like a week just to make sure that I wasn’t allergic to it or anything.

I’m actually using it right now as I’m typing and it does sort of burn... it’s not too strong though, like I said, you’ll live. But I wouldn’t recommend using this product everyday cuz it will really irritate your skin. You can use this if you have sensitive skin, I have extremely sensitive skin and even though it irritates my skin a little bit, it’s worth it.
You basically just mix as much as you need and then apply it, leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes (no longer than 20), take it off and rinse your face with cold water just to soothe it, then moisturize. It’s important that you don’t use this product right after a steamy shower because open pores can lead to like.. some messed up skin lol.

I definitely recommend this product, it’s great and I love it, I wouldn’t use it like first thing in the morning... maybe like on a Friday night if you don’t have plans or on Sunday night... but the redness might still be there on Monday morning... everyone’s different though. If you have sensitive skin, you should get the one that has aloe vera in it.... and even if you don’t have sensitive skin, I would get it just to be on the safe side.
I hope you found this review helpful and of course, if you have any questions just leave a comment down below and I’ll get back to you cuz I have nothing better to do.... and because I love u ;) 

1 comment:

  1. I do know about this products, it helps to hide those unwanted hair from your body but it doesn't remove the permanently, i have tried this before and was not happy with the results.
